
What Contracts for Commercial Cleaning in Salt Lake City Entails?

Every kind of human interaction has conflict from time to time. Business transactions are no different. That’s why contracts are a must for most if not all, organizations.

Primarily, a contract is a documented agreement that guides transactions between companies. It outlines the various actions expected from all the parties involved. 

This means that you’re meant to hold up your end of the bargain when you sign a contract. If you don’t, you’re at the risk of incurring penalties. 

Although contracts have a general format, each transaction has its own uniqueness. This includes the transaction between your business and a cleaning service provider.

In this article, we explore the various aspects that a commercial cleaning contract should cover. It’ll help you avoid conflict in the long run.

The Different Aspects Covered in a Commercial Cleaning Contract in Salt Lake City

Understanding the aspects of a contract for commercial cleaning Salt Lake City service is crucial to getting the best service. They include:

#1. Scope of Work

This section specifies the cleaning tasks that the cleaning company will perform. It includes vacuuming, mopping, dusting, and cleaning surfaces. 

The scope of work may also include restocking cleaning supplies and any other specific cleaning tasks.

#2. Frequency of Cleaning 

A contract for commercial cleaning in Salt Lake City will state how often the cleaning will take place. This could be daily, weekly, or monthly. The frequency is usually based on your needs and the size of your premises.

#3. Duration of the Contract

Contracts typically have a start date and an end date. They can be short-term, such as for a specific project or event. Alternatively, they can be long-term, such as for regular cleaning services.

#4. Payment Terms

This section outlines how much the cleaning services will cost and how your company will make payments. It involves the total cost and payment schedule (e.g., monthly or quarterly). The payment terms section may also specify any penalties for late payment.

#5. Insurance and Liability

The contract may require the cleaning company to have insurance coverage. This helps protect your company against any damages or injuries during cleaning. 

Typically, insurance coverage specifies which party is responsible for damages or injuries that occur during the cleaning.

#6. Termination Clause

This clause outlines the conditions under which either party can terminate the contract early. It may include reasons such as non-payment, breach of contract, or changes in cleaning needs.

#7. Confidentiality and Privacy

A contract for commercial cleaning Salt Lake City service can include clauses to protect your company’s confidentiality. This is especially important if the cleaning involves access to sensitive areas or information.

#8. Safety and Compliance

This section is where you require a cleaning company to comply with safety regulations. This could be using safe cleaning products and equipment and training their employees.

#9. Communication and Reporting

Mode of communication and reporting should be present in a commercial cleaning contract. The section spells out how the cleaning company should report their progress. It also indicates how your business or the cleaning company should address any issues or concerns.


Drafting a contract ensures that all parties understand their responsibilities. Moreover, a contract ensures that the cleaning services meet your expectations. As such, you must take the time to understand the contract provided by a cleaning company before signing.